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Also known as Deepawali and Deepotsav, this is the final day of the Hindu year.

Mankind is forever steeped in the misery of ãdhi (mental agony), vyãdhi (physical sufferings) and upãdhi (pain from external elements).
On the day when man is liberated from these, it becomes the day of Diwali, of bliss for him.

There are five stories celebrating this day:

  1. Shri Krishna vanquished Narkasur, releasing people from misery.
  2. Pruthu Raja extracted goodness from the earth.
  3. During the Samudra Manthan, Lakshmiji emerged from the ocean.
  4. The Pandavas returned from their forest exile.
  5. Shri Ramchandra returned to Ayodhya after his victory over Ravan in Lanka.

In essence people light divas on this day to depict their joy on being released from suffering inflicted by evil elements.
Thus, this day came to be known as Deepotsavi.


The Bhavishyottar Puran (140–14–29) cites details of how to celebrate Diwali from early morning.

  • To augur success, those involved in trade and business do pujan of their new ledgers, known as Chopda Pujan (also known as Sharda Pujan).
  • People light divas in their homes every evening.
  • During Diwali it is a tradition in Hindu homes for the womenfolk to decorate a rangoli at the entrance or near the doorway, after washing the floor. A rangoli   is an intricate and artistic design, using coloured powders. It represents an auspicious welcome for Lakshmiji, who visits people during Diwali to grant wealth.


  • People forgive and forget misdeeds of the past year and resolve to spend the coming year in peace, harmony, purity and to earn lakshmi by observing dharma.
  • On this the darkest (moonless) day of the month, people light divas symbolically, praying to Paramatma for inner enlightenment.
  • Diwali is a festival to resolve personal discord and familial conflict, to increase love, unity and harmony in the family and society.
  • Finally, since we are graced by the infinite love of God and his holy Sadhu, we should feel fulfilled and contented, known as purnakampanu. Therefore we should endeavour to consolidate our dharma, gnan, vairagya and bhakti, to further receive their benediction.

Happy DIWALI to all of you and Prosperous NEW YEAR.

Emotional Quotient (EQ) refers to an someone’s ability and understanding of his or her emotions along with his or her colleagues’ emotions at the workplace to create better work coordination and environment.

Basically, Intelligence Quotient (IQ) defines the level of intelligence an employee possesses to understand, interpret and implement one’s knowledge in varied situations leading to his or her growth as well as the Company’s.

IQ is mainly used to measure one’s cognitive capabilities, such as the capacity to learn or understand new situations; reasoning through a given predicament or setting and the ability to apply one’s knowledge in current circumstances. Emotional Intelligence (EI) skills do not limit themselves to sympathy, intuition, imagination, flexibility, stress management, management, truthfulness, genuineness, intrapersonal skills and interpersonal skills but extend far beyond these.

When working in an organization, an employee with higher EI than others can convince his or her colleague(s) about a certain argument by appealing to their emotions rather than presenting facts and figures. While judging an individual’s EI, keep in mind these few points:

* An employee’s ability to comprehend and apply his or her personal emotions
* An employee’s ability to express his or her feelings, beliefs and thoughts
* An employee’s ability to recognize and appreciate his or her own potential
* An employee’s ability to manage his or her personal and professional life under stress and pressure
* An employee’s ability to adapt to different work environments and handle varied challenges that come his or her way
* An employee’s ability to possess self-confidence
* An employee’s ability to not only work towards the growth of the Company but also towards the growth of his or her co-workers

For best results, employees must develop communication and organizational skills for good decision-making as well as good inter-personal relations with co-workers. An individual’s success rate at work depends on his or her EQ as well as IQ in the ratio of 80:20.

Why 80:20? Well, because, EQ help individuals build and maintain relations with peers and superiors, increases productivity and opens up doors for clarity in communication.

While hiring, corporates look at an individual’s EQ rather than IQ. Having a high IQ will help build interpersonal and intrapersonal skills to a certain extent, unlike EQ, which talks about one’s character based on the way he or she writes or replies to mail, collaborates and networks with peers and subordinates and works towards attaining Company goals.